Our Town (1938) Winner of the 1937 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Perennially one of the most popular productions for high schools. this American classic depicts life in a New Hampshire village. Humor. picturesqueness and pathos are set against the background of centuries of social history. As the Stage Manager in the drama says, 'This is the way we were in our growing-up and in our marrying and in our doctoring and in our living and in our dying." The play begins in 1901 in Grover's Corners where the Gibbses and the Webbs are neighbors. During their childhood George Gibbs and Emily Webb are playmates and their lives are inextricably woven together as neighbors' lives are likely to be. Friendship develops into romantic (and embarrassing) interest in one another. One day George proposes to Emily in the drug store over an ice cream soda. Their happiness is short-lived. for Emily dies and is buried on a rainy, dreary day. In the one of the most vital scenes in the modern theatre, the peace and quite of death which can never be understood by the living is portrayed.